Practical Guidance

Balancing Screen Time and Real Life

Raising Kids in the Digital Age

Sep, 22 2023

The Dangers of Excessive Screen Time

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." - Robert Swan

Excessive screen time has been linked to various negative effects on children's physical and mental health, including obesity, sleep problems, and decreased social interaction. As parents, it's essential to be mindful of the amount of time our kids spend in front of screens.

Limiting Screen Time

To help kids develop without too much screen time, set clear boundaries and establish screen-free zones in your home. Encourage them to engage in other activities such as outdoor play, reading, or arts and crafts. By providing alternative options, you can help them develop a well-rounded set of skills.

Leading by Example

Children often imitate their parents' behavior. If you want your kids to spend less time on screens, you need to lead by example. Limit your own screen time and show them the importance of engaging in real-life experiences. Plan family outings and create opportunities for quality time together.

Educational Screen Time

Family spending quality time together without screens

Not all screen time is created equal. Instead of completely banning screens, incorporate educational content into their screen time. There are numerous educational apps, games, and websites that can supplement their learning. Just ensure that the content is age-appropriate and balanced with other activities.

Creating a Screen-Free Routine

Establish a daily routine that includes designated screen-free periods. This can be during meals, before bedtime, or on weekends. Encourage your kids to engage in activities such as reading, journaling, or practicing mindfulness during these times.

A child playing outside and exploring nature

Real-Life Examples

The Mozart Family

The Mozart family, famous for their musical talents, ensured that their children had a balance between music practice and other activities. This approach allowed the Mozart children to develop their musical skills while also nurturing their overall growth.

The Curie Kids

The Curie family, known for their groundbreaking discoveries in science, emphasized the importance of curiosity and hands-on learning. Marie Curie's children were encouraged to explore nature, conduct experiments, and engage in outdoor activities. By fostering a love for discovery, the Curie kids developed a deep passion for learning.

8 Taoist and Mindful Tips to Connect Kids with Nature

The essence of Taoism and mindfulness is to live in harmony with the natural world and to be present in each moment. Here are eight tips inspired by these philosophies to help children disconnect from screens and connect more with nature.

1. Encourage Presence and Observation:

- Be Present Together:

Invite children to join you in nature walks and engage with them fully. Encourage them to observe the sights, sounds, smells, and textures around them. Share observations and reflections to help them develop a sense of presence.

- Mindful Exercises:

Teach children simple mindfulness exercises to do in nature, like focusing on their breath or paying attention to the sensations in their body.

2. Foster Curiosity and Exploration:

- Discover Nature’s Wonders:

Encourage kids to explore the natural world around them, find interesting rocks, plants, animals, and insects, and learn about them.

- Nature Projects:

Create projects like building a birdhouse, planting a garden, or collecting leaves. These can provide children with a sense of accomplishment and a deeper connection to nature.

3. Nurture Simplicity and Contentment:

- Simple Pleasures:

Emphasize the joy found in simple, natural activities, like sitting by a stream, climbing a tree, or watching the clouds, and express your own joy in these activities.

- Gratitude Practice:

Teach children to express gratitude for nature’s gifts. Regularly practicing gratitude can help foster contentment and an appreciation for the natural world.

4. Create Regular Nature Routines:

- Regular Outdoor Time:

Make spending time in nature a regular part of your family’s routine. The more children are exposed to nature, the more they will come to enjoy it.

- Screen-Free Zones:

Establish certain areas or times where screens are not allowed, and use this time to engage in outdoor activities instead.

5. Cultivate Inner Harmony:

- Model Harmony and Balance:

Demonstrate a balanced approach to technology and nature, showing children how to enjoy the benefits of screens while also valuing time spent outdoors.

- Mindful Choices:

Encourage children to make mindful choices about their screen time and to balance it with other activities, emphasizing the benefits of connecting with nature.

6. Engage in Creative Play:

- Nature Art:

Encourage children to use natural materials like leaves, sticks, and stones to create art. This fosters creativity and helps them see the beauty in simple things.

- Imaginative Games:

Encourage imaginative play outdoors, allowing children to create their own games and stories using the natural environment.

7. Encourage Learning and Reflection:

- Nature Books and Stories:

Share books and stories about nature, which can inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity.

- Reflective Discussions:

Have conversations about nature, the environment, and our place in it, encouraging reflection and deeper understanding.

8. Teach Responsibility and Care:

- Environmental Stewardship:

Teach children about the importance of taking care of the environment and involve them in activities like picking up litter during nature walks.

- Caring for Animals:

Involving children in caring for animals, such as bird feeding or helping stray animals, can foster a sense of responsibility and a connection to living beings.

Remember, the more excitement and joy you express about being in nature, the more likely your children will share these feelings. Leading by example and integrating these values into everyday life can have a lasting impact on a child’s relationship with the natural world.

A child playing outside and exploring nature


Finding the right balance between screens and real-life experiences is crucial for children's development. By setting clear boundaries, leading by example, incorporating educational content, and establishing screen-free routines, we can help our kids thrive in the digital age.

Remember, it's never too late to make positive changes. Start small, be consistent, and watch your child's growth unfold.

screen time
digital age